Invisalign® Is an Ingenious Way of Straightening Teeth Discreetly: Here’s Why

Invisalign® Is an Ingenious Way of Straightening Teeth Discreetly: Here’s Why

Nov 01, 2020

For a long time, when people thought of orthodontic treatment, their minds gravitated towards metal braces since metal braces used to be the only solution for dealing with orthodontic issues. Thanks to improved dental technology, we now have a solution that favors adults and teenagers—Invisalign®.

For nearly two decades, Invisalign aligners have been transforming countless smiles across the nation. Invisalign orthodontics services in East Walpole, MA, allows adults and teenagers to straighten their smile discreetly.

So, let’s see why most adults and teenagers are running to Invisalign aligners.

Fast Facts About Invisalign

Invisalign are invisible braces made from non-toxic BPA plastic. It is what our dentist in East Walpole, MA, uses to rectify bite and misalignment issues. They are sleek, discreet, and still get the job done.

This treatment involves the use of several sets of clear, customized trays to rectify orthodontic issues. They can be used to treat the same issues as metal braces, such as:

  • Underbite
  • Crooked teeth
  • Overbite
  • Open bite
  • Crossbite
  • Gaps between teeth

Invisible braces are one of the most sought-after orthodontic treatments because of their aesthetic appeal and the flexibility of the treatment as compared to braces. They are comfortable and fit snugly to ensure that your teeth move to the desired position.

Since they can be removed, you have the freedom you need to eat and drink whatever you want.

Getting Invisalign Aligners

Once you come to visit our orthodontist in East Walpole, MA, you have to undergo certain tests to check your eligibility for the treatment. Once it is determined that you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign braces, our dentist will do the following:

  • Take photographs of your teeth and face
  • Take digital X-rays of your teeth
  • Take a digital scan

Our dentist will discuss the results with you so that you can understand the course of treatment. Then, a customized treatment plan will be created.

After receiving your customized invisible braces, you will need to wear them for at least 20 to 22 hours a day for you to get the desired results. If you fail to do so, your teeth will not move to the desired position. That means that the next set of aligners will not fit as they should.

This will slow your progress, and our dentist will have to go back to your previous aligners so that your teeth can move as expected.

How Does Invisalign Work?

You will receive a series of customized aligners. Typically, you are expected to wear each aligner for a week. You will then discard the used aligner after one week and put on the next one in the series.

Invisalign braces are designed to fit snugly; therefore, they move your teeth in small increments. Every aligner in the series is designed to be straighter than your teeth. They are designed like this so that they can gently put constant pressure on your teeth. In turn, your teeth will match the aligner after one week.

Ideally, your treatment will last 12 to 18 months, depending on your specific scenario. During this time, you will be expected to visit our dentist once every ten weeks.

After the treatment is complete, our dentist will ascertain whether your teeth have moved to the desired position. Once your teeth are in their desired position, you will need to wear a retainer so that you can keep your teeth straight and healthy for a lifetime.

Why Choose Invisalign?

Several advantages make our patients gravitate to Invisalign, including:

  • Aesthetic Appeal

Invisalign braces are see-through; therefore, they are inconspicuous and a perfect solution for people who need an aesthetically pleasing orthodontic solution. Most people will not be able to tell whether you are wearing a tooth aligner.

  • Improved Oral Health

Misaligned teeth do not affect your looks alone, but they also pose an oral health challenge. This is because it might be difficult for you to clean your teeth as you are supposed to. This can lead to periodontal disease and tooth decay.

  • No-Diet Restrictions

There is no need for you to change your diet when you have these clear aligners. You can remove them, enjoy your meal and brush your teeth, rinse the aligners, then put them back on.

  • Shorter Treatment Duration

Invisalign treatments usually take a maximum of one and a half years to straighten your teeth. Metal braces typically take two years for you to complete your treatment.

Invisalign can more quickly correct orthodontic issues compared to metal braces. Call our dentist at the Unident Dental Group to schedule a consultation for Invisalign.

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